Monday, 5 April 2010

Lighthouse information point

I spent the whole day in the lighthouse making the bullets and receiving guests. It was quiet in the morning due to the rain but then became very busy in the afternoon.

I went to fill up with water at the RNLI depot and bumped into the lifeboat captain who shook me by the hand slapped me on the back and said that he taught the stones were great and that I was welcome to do anything I wanted around the Lifeboat houses. I explained it was probably a bit late. These kind words got me through the wrest of the day while I received yet more guests, all of whom knew who I was and had heard about the bullets. It doesn't take long for news to travel especially when the cafe is open.

Several people took my photograph while I was working one even stopping me and asking me to look at the camera, all rather funny.

Today I manged to make 6 in total leaving me a further 4 tomorrow.

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