Saturday 5 December 2009

Back in the Studio and Back to Work

Back at the studio I unloaded the van of the bits and pieces retrieved from different parts of the point and started by chipping off the concrete from one of the rail shoes.

I only had a couple of hours to work on all of this before leaving for a meeting and then returning to work the following day, so it would be the better part of a week until I returned to the task of cleaning these up.

The wood needs to be left to dry otherwise it will split, the shoes need to be shot blasted and then polished, I thought, possibly gold leafed and turned into an object of value? Something about the heritage of Spurn. As the policeman who stopped me on Spurn, whilst I was loading them into the van, said "you better bring those back, that's our heritage" and yet there they were lying in the bushes almost forgotten about, except by Andrew.

All of this made me think about Spurns heritage and someway of working with the idea of the museum, ordinary objects made into relics somehow?


  1. I like the idea of gold leaf, especially as the heritage is in the object and not the valuable addition

  2. The comment above is from Andrew, unfortunatly my IT skills let me down to log on as me or even initially realise that.

  3. hi Steven
    i like the idea of the dug out spaces with a gate
    my gloves would look good in that space, wish i'd thought of it
    all the best
    martin waters
